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Mission "San Paolo" - Rabat - Malta

On 25 January 2016, the Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart landed for the first time at the Apostolic Nunciature.

Mother General Sr. Graziella Maria Benghini and Vicariate Sr. Maria Antonietta accompany Sr. Maura Giuseppina and Sr. Esther Lucia, who will serve in the Nunciature. The nuns were welcomed by the Secretary Mons. Simon Bolivar in the absence of the Nuncio who is currently in Sardinia for health reasons.




From the chronicle of the first mission of Puerto Acosta

"We remember some prophetic words of the then P. Inspector ..."

"... The vocation requires being born again to a new life in suffering. To the extent that they give themselves to God, people will let themselves be conquered by them. You have the responsibility of reviving the missionary spirit of the Congregation. They must make love as was the Founding Father ".

Today, the sisters work in this house with donation and dedication and with a missionary spirit, offering everything with joy. Here in this place "nothing is lost". Catechesis is very important in this mission. Families hopefully await the nuns' visits to their homes.

The integral promotion of women, which benefits the whole population, should be underlined. "

"25 years have passed since the Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart, led by the unforgettable Mother Bice Carini, arrived in Bolivia.

25 years have been characterized by special signs of grace: The Lord has shown his predilection for this religious family, enriching it with many and good vocations. The Lord allowed the Salesian Oblates to multiply their houses, extending into three Departments of the country. But above all, the Sigore blessed these women religious, helping them to preserve and fortify their charisma which is all humility, joy, sacrifice and spirit of prayer, through constant trials and sufferings.

25 years from Porto Acosta to Villa Rivero, starting from the farthest corner of the plateau to get to the tropical lands of Nord Cruceño. This was their apostolic journey.

A love story for the poorest, for children, for the sick and abandoned. A story of service, catechesis and a generous offer, created with detachment and joy. The story of a special charism, deeply embodied in young Bolivian religious.

I am sure that this story is the clearest sign of the blessing of Archbishop Giuseppe Cognata for his religious family, the Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart.

We owe a lot to this family. The Church of Bolivia thanks you and shows you the most sincere esteem and shares the anniversary celebrations, giving thanks to God with all our heart ".

Archbishop Tito Solari of Cochabamba


Spiritual Exercises 2015

All the sisters of Bolivia and Peru pose, together with Mother General Sister Graziella Maria Benghini at the end of the Spiritual Exercise Course.

Professions 2014

On 2 February 2014, the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Nuncio of Bolivia Mgr. Giambattista Diquattro, and by the Bishop Msgr. Tito Solari, in which four novices made their religious profession, becoming Oblate Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

We thank the Lord for their generous YES!




In October 2006 the Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart landed Peru in Barranca in the diocese of Huacho north of the capital Lima in a new nation.

Joy is very evident in the faces of those poor people who with simplicity and much affection have welcomed the arrival of the nuns.

In Peru as in Bolivia the Salesian Oblates are called to carry out a widespread apostolate among the poor of the fractions, helping them in human, social and spiritual growth. As the 4th year of presence in that land we wish the new missionaries a rich apostolic work and support in their sacrifice and mission to make Jesus known and his kingdom of love, peace and justice.